January tulips

January 10, 2015

January and almost 15 degrees outside - just right for some fresh tulips on my table. I love the colour, it's the perfect addition to copper!

copper bowl | By Lassen

birth announcement cards

January 7, 2015

These are the birth announcement cards I've designed for Gregor's birth.
Thanks to my dear friend Petra from Die Gestaltung for the preparation of the print data!


January 3, 2015

Already one month ago our son Gregor has arrived! I have no words for this miracle, we are just head over heals in love with him and so thankful that he is healthy and just perfect...
He was born on 4th of December at 4:48 with 3,2 kg and 50 cm.
He is also the reason for the quietness on the blog at the moment. But I'm confident that I will find more time again to blog regularly - stay tuned!

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