current hallway insights

March 6, 2015

I haven't shown many pictures of my hallway yet, because it wasn't easy to take good ones. But thanks to my new wide-angle lens now I'm able to take good pictures in confined spaces, too.
The hallway has the walls with the strongest colour in my apartment and I'm still in love with this green! 
Some months ago I finally found the perfect rug and recently I added three Menu POV wall candleholder and some Easter decoration.

ceiling lamps | Impressionen
wall candleholder | Menu
green vase | Ikea
grey jar | feinedinge*
candleholder | H. Skjalm P.
Easter eggs | Lederleitner
beetle print | Hagedornhagen
hatboxes | Interio


  1. Du hast so einen schönen Einrichtungsstil - die Wandfarbe, die tollen Holzmöbel, die Deko. Toll <3


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